25 May 2011

Atha Yoga Anushasanam or Kerry's inquiry into TAPAS

!) Why "anushasanam"? 
2) Why add yet another blog to the mix? 
3) What will I be writing about?

1) Why "anushasanam"? This sanskrit word is the last word of the first of the Yoga Sutra's of Patajali. 


- To start out, here is the definition given on an important yoga resource, www.swamij.com for "anushasanam," the last of the three word phrase of that begins one of the most significant of yogic texts. 
  • anu = within, or following tradition; implies being subsequent to something else, in this case, the prior preparation
  • shasanam = instruction, discipline, training, teaching, exposition, explanation; Shas implies the imparting of teaching that happens along with discipline
Taking the sutra as a whole: ATHA YOGA ANUSHASANAM, my yoga teacher, Devarshi, gave what I believe to be the most meaningful definition of the first yoga sutra. During my teacher training at Kripalu, MA in the summer or 2008, his translation was close to the following:

Now, the inquiry - the continuous struggle - the quest through the unknown-the union (and subsequent disillusion) of the self the non-self. 

The inquiry and practice seated in the "now" of the present moment, seated in question inquiring into this notion of yoga or union. 

......jumping between answering self-posed question 2 and 3........

3) This blog is the inquiry into a specific part of the "yoga quest" - specifically, into one of the ten observances or practices that comprise the first limb of Patajali's eight limbed path to enlightenment. This would be the niyama of "TAPAS". In reviewing the yamas and niyamas at the Open Heart Yoga School in Carrboro, NC with Ti Harmony..... I kept getting stuck here. So, I will be exploring, excavating from within, from external sources, compiling and contemplating the meaning and application of "TAPAS" in our lives. 

2) Maybe this is not a compelling reason for a blog. But, it intrigues me and at the end of the day, especially those days when life seems to be on a little less firm ground, what intrigues us is everything. 

If you are super interested in inquiring into "tapas" now, then I urge googling the word (note, we are talking things such as "practice", "discpline", "burning" and not so much about appetizer dishes here).

Though, I will be serving up bite sized portions of my inquiry into "tapas" as part of my daily cultivation of "tapas" or of "anushasanam" (depending on the translation you like).

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti,
Kerry Brewer

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